Thursday, March 5, 2020

What is it Like to Attend West Chester University

What is it Like to Attend West Chester University Brenda earned her bachelor's degree in English from West Chester University. She specializes in public speaking tutoring, computer science tutoring, and a number of other subjects. Below, she shares her experience at West Chester University: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Brenda: West Chester University is situated in a suburban area, surrounded by neighborhoods where students can find off-campus housing within walking and biking distance. Theres also housing offered on campus. There are buses that provide transportation between the main campus and the south campus, which is about a mile away. I have never personally felt unsafe on campus. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Brenda: The professors and advisers tend to be available when needed. Each professor is required to hold office hours and will often make appointments if asked. They also use school emails frequently. None of my classes had teaching assistants, so I cant speak to that. How would you describe the dorm liferooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Brenda: The facilities are nice, offering large rooms or suites. Each floor has a common area in its center with some form of entertainment. Rooms include beds, drawers, and desks with either one closet and one wardrobe or two closets. Each floor has two RAs who monitor the students and organize social events. Each floor also has a laundry room with free laundry. Aramark is the food company that staffs the dining facilities on campus. The food options offered are typically good. Additionally, many students enjoy the food trucks that sit on Church Street in the middle of campus. Many other restaurants are within walking or delivery distance of campus as well. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported? Brenda: West Chester is mainly known for its music education program, as well as its accounting program. However, its known as a utility school that boasts many different well-supported programs. Personally, I studied English, with minors in physics, French, and computer science. From what Ive seen, each of the departments in which I completed a minor were supported and taught their fields well. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Brenda: I joined a co-ed fraternity, but it was a band fraternity. I went into freshman year having spent the summer making friends while rehearsing with band. How helpful are the Career Centerand other student support services? Brenda: Many companies did recruit on campus, but they were not in my area of study. The Career Center reviewed my resume, but didnt provide new information when it came to the actual job search. How are the various study areas, such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Brenda: They all boast chairs and tables, with school computers from which to print assignments. In the dorms, study areas were sometimes used more for socializing than for actual study, but the library was always quiet. Describe the surrounding town. Brenda: The immediate surrounding area was mostly neighborhoods. One street in particular, Walnut Avenue, has houses that are almost entirely rented by students. Many restaurants and small shops sit in the downtown area, making it a draw for all students during the day. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Brenda: West Chester hosts about 15,000 students each year, a number that is growing. It never felt overcrowded, though, and classes were often capped at 30 to 40 students, which ensured some student-teacher interaction. Throughout my whole college career, I only attended one course held in an auditorium. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Brenda: In general, my English courses were a delight. Each class was discussion-based. The research seminars, which acted as capstone courses for the English degree, each concentrated on a different subject relevant to our society and encouraged us to view our world critically and intelligently. Check out Brendas tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

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